Why I’m Switching to a Flip Phone in 2021
I have had a smartphone since I was 13. Since then I have gotten a lot of great use out of my smartphones. I have used map apps when I get lost, documented important parts of my life, kept up with friends on social media, and I have been able to answer any question I have had within seconds just by looking it up. But over the past couple of years, I have started to notice something- I have become extremely dependant on my phone. I have noticed that on days when I’m home I am spending an obscene amount of time staring at a screen, and I’m really not doing anything worthwhile. Increased screen time is a common side effect of all the time at home due to the pandemic, but this felt like something more.
When I finally mentioned the idea of switching to a “dumb phone” to my fiance I felt a ping of anxiety, and that reassured me that this was something I should consider. I have many reasons I’m making the switch, but here are just a few.
I was spending way too much time scrolling.
Putting it simply, I was just spending way too long looking at a screen. My phone would be the first thing I looked at when I woke up, and I would be on it right before I went to sleep. It felt natural to check everything as soon as you wake up, but I wonder if it is healthy to be inundated with that much information as soon as the day begins.
Spending hours on social media did not seem good for my well being, and all of the time I was spending on my phone was definitely not good for my productivity.
Without the smartphone I find myself getting up sooner, and looking for things to keep me busy around the house. I realized that I was not running out of time in a day because I was too busy, I was just not utilizing my time in an effective way.
I want to step back from social media.
Social media is not inherently bad, but it can be unhealthy without limits. When it was constantly available every time boredom struck I was definitely spending an unhealthy amount of time on it.
It is all too easy to compare yourself to other people when you are constantly seeing the best part of everyone's life, and that comparison is not healthy for anybody.
It also felt like I was constantly being bombarded with information and opinions. Of course, I want to know what is happening in the world, but I want to be more mindful of where the information I am taking in is coming from. It seems healthier to get my news from trusted sources. Not hearing people I went to high school with yell about things on Facebook is not going to make me any less informed.
I didn’t like the way social media was making me feel. Spending too much time on it was making me antsy. I always felt like I needed something. Whether it was ads specifically targeted to show me all the things that I am missing, or comparison making me question everything I am doing, it made me feel like I always needed more. Deep down I know I have everything I need and then some, so why does social media make me feel like I still need more?
Switching to a flip phone is giving me a break from social media, but I still am not quitting completely. My plan was to only check in for about an hour or so at night, but I am already finding myself spending less time than that. This way I can feel connected to the people I care about, but I’m being mindful of the amount of time I am spending and the information I am taking in.
I want to be more present.
I think this one is the most important to me. I definitely want to spend more time being present and in touch with my surroundings. I want to feel comfortable being bored again. It's not necessary to pick up the phone every time boredom strikes, I want to find things to do that are going to make me truly happy. I am hoping to use the extra time to clean, read, get back to my hobbies, spend time outside, and be comfortable just sitting with my thoughts.
I am going to be a mother in just a few short months. I realized that the amount of time I was spending on my phone was not a healthy example to set for my son. I would hate to look back and realize that I lost sweet little moments with him because I was looking at a screen. I also don’t want him to grow up watching me mindlessly scroll. I want us to go out and do things. I can’t wait for him to learn about nature, animals, and the world, and I want to be paying attention every second.
Today makes three weeks with the flip phone, and so far I am feeling pretty good about it. There is definitely a learning curve, and I felt a little anxious at first, but it feels like it is going to be so worth it. I had some nervous energy the first few nights, but now that has passed and I am feeling so much better. I don't feel detached from society, and I am still talking to the people I care about (even if I am texting them painfully slow.) I am already feeling the positive effects on my emotional well being, and I am so excited to get rid of an addiction that wasn’t adding value to my life.